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Honors Program

The Department of Philosophy offers an honors program for outstanding students in the major.


  • majors who have a 3.7 GPA in philosophy and
  • 3.25 overall GPA at the end of their junior year, and
  • who have taken at least 4 upper-division courses are eligible to apply

Interested students must consult with a faculty sponsor by the last day of classes during the spring term of their junior year.  Admission to the honors program requires nomination by a faculty sponsor and the approval of the undergraduate faculty advisor.

In addition to the usual major requirements, an honors student is required to complete a senior honors thesis by the end of winter quarter.  During the fall and winter quarters, the student will be registered for PHIL 191A and PHIL 191B, and will be supervised and evaluated by the student's faculty sponsor.  Honors students are expected to maintain an average of 3.7 or better for all work taken in the program.

A departmental committee will read and assess the completed thesis and determine if philosophy honors are to be awarded.  Upon successful completion of the requirements, the designation "with distinction," "with high distinction," or "with highest distinction" will appear on the student's diploma.

Philosophy Honors Nomination Form