Dallas Amico-Korby
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0440
M.A. Philosophy, Bowling Green State University
I work primarily in epistemology, metaethics, and the philosophy of technology. You can find more about me and my research at https://www.dallasamico-korby.
com/. -
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0469
B.Sc. Biology (honours) joint with BKI (honours), University of Waterloo
M.A. Philosophy, University of WaterlooMy primary research is in the philosophy of biology and ecology, social and feminist epistemology, and the epistemology of ignorance. Additionally, I am interested in the epistemic role of art in science.
Javier Medina Barrientos
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0438
B.A. Philosophy, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2017
M.A. Philosophy of science, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021My research interests lie at the intersection of philosophy of science, history and philosophy of astronomy, and the epistemology of measurement. I'm also drawn to issues concerning scientific progress and rationality, and scientific knowledge production processes.
Moraima Arias Bejarano
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0430
B.A. Philosophy-University of the Pacific
M.A. Philosophy- San José State UniversityInterests: Mexican Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy and History of Philosophy
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0429
B.A. Philosophy, Computer Science, University of Washington (2016)
My research mainly focuses on Plato and Aristotle’s moral psychology and ethics. I am particularly interested in understanding how their conceptions of anticipatory pleasure and anticipatory pain inform their views on desire, emotion, and virtue. I also attempt to trace the extent to which Aristotle engages with, and departs from, Plato on these issues.
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0446
B.A in Psychology from Northern Arizona University
M.A in Philosophy from Arizona State UniversityI’m working on cultural evolutionary theory and how to develop an evolutionary evolutionary epistemology from it. Other interestes include philosophy of psychedelics, expressive and instrumental accounts of epistemology, and philosophy of religion.
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0441
B.A. Philosophy, Renmin University of China
M.A. Philosophy, Simon Fraser UniversityMy primary research interests lie in general philosophy of science, philosophy of social science, and metaphysics. My current work explores topics at the intersection of these fields, with a particular focus on causation, explanation, and theoretical virtues. While my inquiries are often motivated by questions in the metaphysics of science, I also engage with issues that arise in the context of science in practice. Additionally, I have an ongoing interest in meta-philosophy and am exploring alternative approaches to constructing philosophical theories.
Patricio Alonso Ávila Cárdenas
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0438
B.S., Physics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2018)
M.A., Philosophy of Science, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2021)My primary research interests are the philosophy of physics and the metaphysics of science. I am interested in the problems of measurement and ontology in quantum theory, the problem of the arrow of time, and the issue of the peaceful coexistence between quantum mechanics and relativity.
Aaron Chipp-Miller
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0432
B.A. Philosophy, UC San Diego (2020)
I am interested in theories of equality in political philosophy, animal ethics, and decision making under normative uncertainty.
Daniel Cohen
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0429
B.A. Philosophy and German Literature and Cultural History, Columbia University (2020)
I have broad interests in the history of philosophy. I am especially interested in ancient philosophy (particularly Aristotle), the Kantian tradition, and twentieth century phenomenology. Within the history of philosophy, I am interested in issues pertaining to metaphysics and philosophy of mind.
Samuel Delorme
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0433
B.A. University of British Columbia, 2020
M.A. University of British Columbia, 2022
I study issues related to moral psychology and agency. My present focus is on the ability to recognize the normative stakes of particular situations, and the implementation of this ability in theories of moral responsibility. I am also interested in weakness, as well as intrapersonal unity and division. -
Janet Oreoluwa Eniraiyetan
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0469
BSc Philosophy and Physics, University of Leeds
MSc Philosophy of Science, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)My research interests lie in the philosophy of physics and the foundations of physics, particularly philosophical questions regarding quantum mechanics. I am also interested in discussions about the philosophy of time, metaphysics, and the philosophy of religion.
Tyler Farmer
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0433
B.F.A. Dance, California State University, Long Beach
M.A. Philosophy, Tufts UniversityI’m interested in questions about how we can be (more) effective at performing our intended actions. As such, I think about the limitations of our agency and how we can leverage our capacities for planning and automatization to optimize our effectiveness within those limitations. I also think about how oppression and privilege impact both our immediate and extended agency, and how we can successfully navigate the limitations imposed on our agency by our social positions.
Bosco Garcia
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0436
B.A. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
M.A. University of BristolPhilosophy of physics, philosophy of neuroscience, history of science, and mathematics.
Rylan Garwood
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0437
B.A. Philosophy: Ethics, University of Washington (2024)
Primary Interests: All things ethics, but demandingness, objectivity, moral motivation, animal ethics, virtue, and responsibility in particular/currently.
Secondary Interests: philosophy of science, philosophy for children, and pragmatist thought (especially Dewey) -
Bram Paul Geiderman
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0434
B.A. English and Philosophy, University of Southern California (2020)
J.D. University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law (2024)My primary research interests are in social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, and the history of philosophy, with emphasis on the German philosophical tradition from Kant to Critical Theory. Currently, my specific research spans democratic theory, political sovereignty and legitimacy, and analytical and normative jurisprudence. In addition to my main research, I am also interested in aesthetics. As a lawyer and legal scholar, I am interested in civil rights law, constitutional law (specifically religious liberty and freedom of speech), criminal law, and constitutional criminal procedure.
Min Heo
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0461
B.A. Philosophy, Seoul National University (2015)
M.A. Philosophy, Seoul National University (2017)Interests: Early modern philosophy, Kant's theoretical philosophy, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of language
Imani Howard
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0454
B.A. History and Philosophy of Science, Stanford University
B.S. with Honors, Molecular and Cell Biology, Stanford UniversityAs an MD/PhD candidate, my primary research interests are the philosophy of medicine, the role of race and identity in healthcare and the physician-patient relationship. My clinical interests are in psychiatry and primary care. -
Luke Jennings
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0437
B.A. Philosophy, Bard College (2020)
M.A. Philosophy, Tufts University (2023)
MSt. Ancient Philosophy, Oxford University (2024)Recently, I have been preoccupied with understanding Kantian and Aristotelian solutions to problems that emerge when we attempt to describe either certain specific virtues (such as, e.g. courage) or the psychology of vice. On a more general level, I continue to be interested in how philosophers of the past and present theorize badness.
Gianni Klesen
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0434
Alice Koga
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0430
B.A. Philosophy, with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of California Riverside
My research interests include agency and moral psychology, as well feminist philosophy and philosophy of race.I am especially interested in where these fields intersect with social phenomena in places such as applied ethics, personhood, bioethics, philosophy of disability, and social philosophy broadly construed.
Huadian Liu
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0461
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
MSc Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition, University of Edinburgh
M.A. Philosophy, Tufts UniversityI aim to give a good answer to the question “How is intentional experience possible?” that is informed by Brentano and Husserl, the functionalist tradition in philosophy of mind, and cognitive psychology.
Ying Liu
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0454
B.A. Politics and Public Administration, South China Normal University
M.A. Philosophy, University of HoustonPrimary interests: ethics, social philosophy, agency, practical reason.Secondary interest: History of moral and political philosophy. -
Amir Liron
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0435
B.A. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2020
M.A. Philosophy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2023My main research interest is in the philosophy of the social sciences. Specifically, I am interested in how we can acquire knowledge about the social world and utilize it to change the world for the better.
My other interests revolve around more fundamental questions related to my main interest. I am interested in how knowledge is (and should be) acquired, so I am interested in epistemology and (general) philosophy of science. I am also interested in how we should act and what it means to make the world better, so I am interested in moral and political philosophy. -
Dafna Mark - Ben Shabat
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0439
B.A. Humanities and Arts, Tel Aviv University
Early modern philosophy, especially Spinoza. Questions of individuality, substance mode relations.
Joseph Masotti
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0437
B.A. Philosophy and Psychology, Florida State University (2021)
M.A. Philosophy, Florida State University (2024)My primary philosophical interests encompass normative ethics, moral psychology, and free will and moral responsibility. Recently, I have also been interested in the ethics of artificial intelligence and machine learning. I am especially interested in philosophical problems at the intersections of these areas.
Gabriel Nyberg
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0432
B.A. Theoretical Philosophy, University of Gothenburg (2017)
MSc. Philosophy of Science, London School of Economics (2019)I'm broadly interested in the philosophy of science, objectivity, metaphilosophy, and foundational issues in any form of organized inquiry. In particular, I am drawn to issues in replication of scientific results, measurement, concept validation and epistemic transparency and public reason.
Sebastian Oberkfell
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0434
B.A. Economics, with minors in Philosophy, Linguistics, and Gender and Sexuality Studies, The University of Chicago (2021)
M.A. Philosophy, San Francisco State University (2023)I am primarily interested in epistemology, ethics, philosophy of language, and feminist philosophy.
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0436
B.S. Data Science and Philosophy, William & Mary (2023)
I work primarily in Philosophy of Science and Epistemology, and the majority of my projects can be captured by the phrase "formal tools for social phenomena." My research is largely split into two streams, one of which focuses on epistemic communities and their interactions with machine learning (ML) systems, while the other is a more traditional approach to the philosophy of science with a focus on the role of algorithmic tools in scientific theorizing.
Karina Ortiz Villa
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0432
B.A. Philosophy, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
My primary research interests are in latin american philosophy and political philosophy (historical and contemporary) as well as the ethics of AI and its intersection with philosophy of law. My main project is on questions on self-determination during Spanish colonialism and the political philosophy of Bartolome de las Casas. I also am currently working on strategies for the ethical implementation of artificial intelligence in the law.
Subin Park
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0471
B.A. & M.A. Philosophy, Ewha Womans [sic] University, South Korea
My primary research interest is in ancient Greek philosophy, primarily Plato’s and Aristotle’s moral philosophy and moral psychology. I also have interests in metaethics, particularly in questions related to moral judgment and moral realism/(non)-naturalism.
Faron Ray
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0433
B.A., Fine Arts, University of the Arts London (2015)
M.A., Philosophy, University of London: Birkbeck College. (2020)My primary research interests lie in moral and political philosophy with a particular focus on the philosophy of punishment and the criminal law. I also have secondary interests in the philosophy of social science, particularly in issues surrounding causation, explanation and social ontology.
Sam Ridge
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0446
B.A. Philosophy and Economics (DePaul University)
M.A. Philosophy (University of Houston)Interests: Ethics and moral psychology -
Emiliano Salomón
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0438
B.A. Philosophy, Yale University
My research interests are in the history of philosophy in Latin America (especially 20th century Mexico), German Idealism (especially Hegel), social philosophy, and aesthetics. -
Louis Santoro
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0435
Interests: Artificial intelligence, conflict studies, computational psychiatry, Greek philosophy
Shelly Yiran Shi
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0436
Undergrad: London School of Economics (LSE) BSc. Philosophy and Economics (2017)
Masters: Columbia University MA. Philosophical Foundations of Physics (2019)Interests: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Economics, Feminist Philosophy of Science -
Ahmed Siddiqi
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0461
B.A. Genetics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
D.D.S. Texas A&M College of Dentistry
M.A. Philosophy, University of HoustonPrimary Interests: Metaethics, Moral Psychology
Secondary Interests: Political Philosophy -
On Yi Sin
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0439
Mika Smith
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0471
My interests lie at the intersection of the philosophies of science, technology (especially artificial intelligence), information, and psychology. I am also in the Science Studies Program and enjoy engaging in empirical research that aligns with my philosophical interests.
Daria Stepanova
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0429
B.A. Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Interests: Ancient philosophy, ethics of AI
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0439
B.A., Philosophy and Religious Studies, Shalem College, Jerusalem (2018)
M.A., Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2021)I work at the intersection of the philosophy of mind and cognitive science, the philosophy of action, and moral psychology. I'm particularly fascinated by phenomena that don't fit snuggly in either "the space of reasons" or "the space of causes," like the immensely variegated category of unreflective human performances. Currently, I'm trying to develop a philosophical account of styles of agency and to see whether it can teach us some cool things about mind and action.
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0441
B.A. (summa cum laude) Liberal Arts & Sciences , University College Roosevelt (2013)
MPhil Philosophy, University of St. Andrews/Stirling joint program (2017)My interests at the most general level are in the history of philosophy, moral psychology, and the self. More specifically, my dissertation is on Kant's account of radical evil and human action. I also work on a number of related topics in his philosophy, such as (self-)love, (self-)forgiveness, and the metaphysics of agency. I am interested both in the correct interpretation of historical thinkers, as well as in bringing to bear neglected lessons from their work on contemporary debates in moral psychology and ethics.
Richard Vagnino
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0435
B.M. Music, History, New York University
M.M. Music Theory and Composition, New York UniversityInterests: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Scientific Practice, Analogical Reasoning
Esraa Wasel
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0471
B.A. Philosophy, University of Houston
Interests: Ethics, Epistemology, Ancient Philosophy
Lilly Weidhaas
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0469
B.A. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), Pomona College, 2021
J.D. Stanford Law School, In ProgressMy primary philosophical interests are in philosophy of law and political philosophy. I am also particularly interested in issues affecting children.
Keyao Yang
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0441
B.A. Sun Yat-sen University
M.A. University of HoustonCurrently, my main interests are in ethics and moral psychology, with a special focus on philosophical issues related
with addiction. -
Office: Ridge Walk Academic Complex - Arts & Humanities Bldg. Room 0440
B.A. Biblical Studies, Azusa Pacific University
M.A. Philosophy, San Francisco State UniversityMy interests include early modern philosophy, medieval Islamic and Jewish philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of race, and epistemology. My dissertation is on the relation between reason and religion in Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise.