Dallas Amico-Korby
AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Technology, Metaethics
Henry Argetsinger
AOS: Moral Responsibility, Normative Ethics
AOC: Social Epistemology, Metaphysics of the Self, Philosophy of Race
Andrew Bollhagen
AOS: General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology
AOC: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Neuroscience
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at UC Davis
Zack Brants
AOS: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, History of Philosophy
AOC: Ethics, Moral Psychology
Haggeo Cadenas
AOS: Philosophy of Science, Social Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychedlics
AOC: Logic, Ethics, General Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, 20th Century History of Philosophy
Aaron Finley
AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy
AOC: Environmental Ethics, Technology and Moral Values, and Medical Ethics
Thomas Kirkpatrick
AOS: Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy
AOC: History of Philosophy, Metaethics, Logic
Leonardo Moauro
AOS: Early Modern Philosophy, History of Ethics
AOC: Ethics, Ancient Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Humanities Studies
Jacob Zellmer
AOS: Early Modern Philosophy
AOC: Philosophy of Race, Epistemology, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Religion